Here’s what’s happening, A to Z. Details on all announcements are located on the ground-floor and main-level bulletin boards.
* Spring 2011 Registration- Please click on the below image for Westchester registration dates.

* Social Work & the Arts- Location/Date/Time: Fordham Westchester, Saturday, October 16th, at 12:45-1:30 p.m.

* Identification and Reporting Child Abuse and Maltreatment- Sponsored by Children FIRST. Date: Wednesday, November 17. Time: 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Location: Fordham Westchester Campus. Please click following image for more details.

*Fordham Forum at Westchester- Please click on the following image to find out more about our new free series on learning, discovering, and serving.

*UPDATED:GSSS Academic Calendar 2010-2011- Please click the following images for full review.

*Ethical Eye- This semester, a newsletter discussing ethics in social work practice -- the "ETHICAL EYE" -- will be published. Our first edition will include thoughts from faculty about ethics in social work practice. Subsequent issues, however, will involve YOU! We have established an anonymous web-based submission form for you to submit ethical dilemmas encountered in your practice for future publication and discussion.
Here's how it works:
1.) You experience a situation in your internship that you think involves ethical decision-making -- a client, for example, asks you to "keep a secret" but you are part of a treatment team; or your research project involves 5 year-old children and you wonder how you can ask for their consent to participate.
2.) You go to the web by clicking on Click Here to take survey and fill out the easy to follow submission guide.
3.) Your anonymous submission is read by a committee made up of an administrator, faculty from field, the Ethical Eye editor, and representatives from your student congress.
4.) The committee will then make a selection of scenarios from your submission to publish for our Fordham community. The publication will include responses from selected faculty and students, creating a community dialogue.
*Attention Left-handed GSS Students: Receive a desktop palette for right-handed desks today! The following attachment, meant for those who experience awkwardness taking notes on right-handers' deskstops, may be obtained in room 147. Contact: Grant Grastorf, (914) 367-3202 or via e-mail at grastorf@fordham.edu.
*Student Congress – Congress is composed of 1 to 3 students from each integrative seminar. Please consider volunteering.
This Week at GSS

*Parking permits – Register for your parking permit today on your My.Fordham account. Upon completing the online form located in your Student tab, your permit will be sent to you through the mail. A fee of $110 will be added to your account. Please note that this permit is good for the full academic year.
*Student ID cards are delivered to Henry Davis, room 106A, if you mailed your photo to Fordham. Otherwise, visit room 13G on the ground level to secure your card.
Community Events