Here’s what’s happening, A to Z. Details on all announcements are located on the ground-floor and main-level bulletin boards.
GSSS Student-Run School Supply Drive @ Fordham Westchester- To donate school supplies for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Orange County & Big Brothers Big Sisters of Westchester County, please click on the below flyer for further details. Thank you !
GSSS Student-Run Diaper Drive @ Fordham Westchester- To donate disposable diapers for a worthy cause, please click on the below flyer. Thank you !
Resume Writing Workshop with Abigail Woods Ferreira, MSEd- For information, please click on the below flyer.
UPDATED Learn -At-Lunch Events for Fall 2011 ! Please click on the below flyer for information.
Children FIRST Professional Licensing Course: Identification & Reporting of Child Abuse & Maltreatment-Please click on the below registration flyer for information.

GSSS Westchester Writing Services- Please click on the below flyer for information.
LMSW Content Information Session- Please click on the below flyer for information.
LMSW Laptop Loan Program- Laptop computers are available for short-time loans in order to take LMSW Practice Tests. Please contact Dean Turner at Lincoln Center: or Dean Heyman at Westchester: to sign out laptop. Please note that there is a $40 refundable deposit collected at the time of sign-out.
UPDATED:GSSS Academic Calendar 2010-2011- Please click the following images for full review.

*Attention Left-handed GSS Students: Receive a desktop palette for right-handed desks today! The following attachment, meant for those who experience awkwardness taking notes on right-handers' deskstops, may be obtained in room 147. Contact: Grant Grastorf, (914) 367-3202 or via e-mail at
*Student Congress – Congress is composed of 1 to 3 students from each integrative seminar. Please consider volunteering.
Important Reminders/Deadlines
*Parking permits – Register for your parking permit today on your My.Fordham account. Upon completing the online form located in your Student tab, a confirmation notice will be sent to your e-mail address. Please print that receipt and along with your updated student ID card, report to the Security Supervisor's office in G07D to obtain your electronic parking device. A fee of $115 will be added to your statement. Please note that this permit is good for the full academic year.
*Student ID cards are delivered to Henry Davis, room 106B, if you mailed your photo to Fordham. Otherwise, visit room 13G on the ground level to secure your card.
Community Events
Please click on the following flyers to learn more about what's going on in your community.
Student to Student
GSSS Gay Straight Alliance on Facebook- Please click of the bellow image for additional information !
Career Services/Licensing
To view the following job posts, please click on the scanned image.
Coordinator of Career Services, Westchester Campus, Derek Brown,