Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 12, 2011


Here’s what’s happening, A to Z. Details on all announcements are located on the ground-floor and main-level bulletin boards.

State Society on Aging Student Conference- Date: Wednesday, 4/20/11.  Location: Fordham University Westchester Campus, RM. 228.  Time: 9-11:30 a.m.  For more information, please select the bottom flyer.

Learn @ Lunch: Careers in Aging- Sponsored by Fordham University's Ravazzin Center on Aging.  Guest speaker will be Colette Phipps, LMSW.  For more information, please click on the below image.

Facing Death & Dying with Dignity: Legal, Palliative Care, & End-Of-Life Options- Co-sponsored by the NY Society for Ethical Culture and Compassion & Choices of NY.  For additional information, please click on the below image.

What Are You Really Learning as a Social Work Student?- For more details on how to become involved in this exciting survey (pizza and $20 awarded to each participating social work student), please click on the following flyer.

JFK: 50 Years Later- Sponsored by the Fordham University School of Law.  For information on this discussion panel, please select the below image.

UPDATE: GSS Westchester Course Cancellation- Please be advised that Dr. Poindexter's May intensive entitled, SWGS 6040 Social Work from the Human Rights Perspective has been cancelled due to low enrollement.  We apologize for inconveniences this information might cause.

Learn @ Lunch: Creating a Voice for People with Intellectual &Developmental Disabilities-

Children FIRST presents Exploring Systems of Care: Providing Well-Being for YouthFor information, please click on the below image.  

Attention GSS Westchester graduating students- For information on how to order your cap & gown online, please click on the below flyer.

GSS Fall 2011 Class Schedules- To access the following schedules for Foundation & Advanced Years, please click on the below images.

LMSW Process Review Information &Test Taking Strategies- Sponsored by GSSS Dept. To view multiple dates at both campuses, please click on the below flyer.

GSSS Westchester Summer 2011 Class Schedule- Please click on image for further information.

The Fordham Center for Nonprofit Leaders' Executive Education Program- Sponsored by the Graduate School of Social Service & the Graduate School of Business Administration. For information, please click on the below flyer.

Exploring Systems of Care: Promoting the Well-Being of Youth- Sponsored by Children FIRST scholars. Date/Time: Friday, April 15, 2011, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For more info, please click on the below image.

LMSW Information Sessions- Advanced students may sign up for the LMSW Info Sessions at room 106 B with Henry Davis for the following dates: Tuesday, March 8th, 12:40-1:30 p.m. & Saturday, March 12th, 12:40-1:30 p.m. Both sections will be held in room 230 on the Westchester Campus.

GSSS Fall Registration Schedule. - To view dates and access additional information, please click on the below document.

* Online LMSW Review Course- Please click on the below image for more details.

* Steps for Completing the NYS LMSW Examination- All GSSS alumni interested in beginning the application process for the LMSW Exam, please click on the following link:

* GSSS Academic Advising Tips- Please click on the below image for further details.
UPDATED:GSSS Academic Calendar 2010-2011- Please click the following images for full review.

*Attention Left-handed GSS Students: Receive a desktop palette for right-handed desks today! The following attachment, meant for those who experience awkwardness taking notes on right-handers' deskstops, may be obtained in room 147. Contact: Grant Grastorf, (914) 367-3202 or via e-mail at grastorf@fordham.edu.

*Student Congress – Congress is composed of 1 to 3 students from each integrative seminar. Please consider volunteering.

Important Reminders/Deadlines

*Parking permits –
Register for your parking permit today on your My.Fordham account. Upon completing the online form located in your Student tab, your permit will be sent to you through the mail. A fee of $110 will be added to your account. Please note that this permit is good for the full academic year.

*Student ID cards are delivered to Henry Davis, room 106A, if you mailed your photo to Fordham. Otherwise, visit room 13G on the ground level to secure your card.

Community Events

Please click on the following flyers to learn more about what's going on in your community.

tudent to Student

GSSS Gay Straight Alliance on Facebook- Please click of the bellow image for additional information !

Career Services/Licensing

Coordinator of Career Services, Westchester Campus, Derek Brown, adebrown@fordham.edu

Welcome to GSS News & Views!

Check in regularly, and feel free to contact any GSS staff member for support. Here is how you find us.

Janna C. Heyman, Ph.D., Associate Dean/Program Director; 917-367-3030, heyman@fordham.edu

Linda White-Ryan, LMSW, R.N., CASAC, Assistant Director; 914-367-3017, whiteryan@fordham.edu

Aida Lau, Academic Administrator, GSS Tuition Remission, alau@fordham.edu; 914-367-3104

Henry Davis, Assistant to the Dean/Faculty and Student Services, hdavis8@fordham.edu; 914-367-3101

Laura Sutter, Executive Secretary, lsutter@fordham.edu; 914-367-3108

Field Practicum staff :

Vincenza Corcoran, Associate Director, 914-367-3107; Corcoran@fordham.edu

Gail Davenport, Assistant Director, 914-367-3109; gdavenport@fordham.edu

GSSS Westchester Career Services:

Derek Brown, Coordinator of Career Services, adebrown@fordham.edu


Fordham Westchester Library Hours:

Monday-Thursday: 7 a.m.-11 p.m.

Friday: 7 a.m.-9 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday: 7 a.m.-6 p.m.

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